149. Three Dimensional Face
Title: Three Dimensional Face (working title)
Date: 1991
Subject: Face
Measurements: 17” W x 10” D x 12 ½” H
Materials and Techniques: Wooden forms, wooden hangers, red paint
Description: A wooden disc serves as the background of an assembled face with projecting features. A cylindrical wooden form with a thin, wooden square brim represents a hat that sits on the man’s head. Two identical egg-shaped wooden forms that represent eyes are attached under the hat. Between the two eyes is a wooden form with a rounded egg that represents a nose. A wooden hanger is attached under the tip of the nose, extending from each side of his face like a mustache. A fragment of a wooden hanger is attached below this piece, representing his lower lip. wooden form painted red protrudes from the open space between his mustache and bottom lip, representing a tongue. Two other identical small fragments of wooden hangers are each attached the sides of his face at the height of his eyes, representing ears.
Signed: “NSG 91” carved on back